For the education, awareness, and proper screenings in the prevention of sudden cardiac death in young athletes

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"As a parent, I know there are so many things to worry about when it comes to our kids playing sports. Are they getting enough exercise?
Are they having fun? Are they showing good sportsmanship? But, worrying if they're heart healthy should be something we can take off the list
if screenings were mandated." -Teleah Scott-Moore
We are engaged in an up-hill battle to bring awareness and attention concerning the sudden deaths of young athletes. As we work tirelessly to improve the lives and survival chances of young athletes, we understand that this will require changes in the hearts and minds of the policymakers of this country followed by practical application of those serving in the medical field. As we provide the links to various campaigns, petitions, and legislative initiatives, we hope that you will join us.
Use this link to contact your United States Senator:
Use this link to contact your United States Representative:
Did you know? November 19th is Children's Grief Awareness Day!
Please remember grieving children who have lost siblings to Sudden Cardiac Death or other
sports-related injuries. Wearing blue is one way to show your support. ‪